Email Settings and Anonymous Signup – MantisBT – Bug Tracking System
After successful installation of MantisBT on CentOS 6. Now its time to setup some more things:
For Installation howto:
Email Settings:
For Email notifications, just start the postfix
Now edit Mail Settings accordingly:
# service postfix start
For Email Configurations:
# vim config_inc.php
$g_from_email = ‘[email protected]’; # the “From: ” field in emails
$g_return_path_email = ‘[email protected]’; # the return address for bounced mail
save and exit
Restart Apache
# service httpd restart
For using mail server other than localhost, select mailer method as PHPMAILER_METHOD_SMTP in config_inc.php file
Anonymous Signup:
Now Stop Anonymous Signup:
# vim config_inc.php
# — Anonymous Access / Signup —
$g_allow_signup = OFF;
$g_allow_anonymous_login = OFF;
$g_anonymous_account = ”;
save and exit
Restart Apache
# service httpd restart