Category: Tips and Tricks

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Urdu CBT Linux System Administration 005 – BIND DNS 5/6

This CBT shows how to configure BIND domain name server (DNS) on CENTOS through CLI. Valid for Fedora, RHEL, CENTOS, and any other distribution derived from these. Author: Muhammad Kamran Azeem Courtesy:

Urdu CBT Linux System Administration 005 BIND DNS 3/6

This CBT shows how to configure BIND domain name server (DNS) on CENTOS through CLI. Valid for Fedora, RHEL, CENTOS, and any other distribution derived from these. Author: Muhammad Kamran Azeem Courtesy:

Urdu CBT – Embracing Linux – Fedora – 009 – Basic Commands – Part 16/16

This CBT demonstrates the use of basic Linux commands. Author: Muhammad Kamran Azeem Courtesy:

Urdu CBT Embracing Linux Fedora 009 Basic Commands – Part 15/16

This CBT demonstrates the use of basic Linux commands. Author: Muhammad Kamran Azeem Courtesy:

Urdu CBT Embracing Linux Fedora 009 Basic Commands Part 12/16

This CBT demonstrates the use of basic Linux commands. Author: Muhammad Kamran Azeem Courtesy:


Setting up 802.1q VLAN tagging by loading 8021q Linux kernel driver Check that Linux kernel driver module called 8021q is loaded: # lsmod | grep 8021q If it is not loaded, load it with the following modprobe command: # modprobe 8021q How to VLAN Linux usingCentOS/RHLE/Fedora Linux I am using RHEL/CentOS Linux with VLAN ID…
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Linux Find Out CPU Architecture Information

How do I find out my CPU architecture information under Linux operating systems? You can use /proc/cpuinfo file or use the lscpu command to get info about CPU architecture. It will display information like: Number of CPUs Threads Cores Sockets NUMA nodes


when we implement the REDHAT based servers, when we dont have the proper license we will be facing a lot of issues for installing the softwares. So to overcome the issue we need to setup the LOCAL REPOSITORY server. this  will eliminate the installation issues.Below i have explained how to setup the repo server step-by-step. SETTING…
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Moving Files Between Linux Systems With SCP

This article is about how to move files between servers using the scp (secure copy) command. To show how it works, I will move files from my HDD to a virtual machine running on VirtualBox. There is Linux Mint 11 installed on both drives. This tutorial comes without warranty of any kind. I do not…
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