Category: Configuration

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Installing MantisBT – A Bug Tracking System

By: Muhammad Farrukh Siddique ======================================= MantisBT version: 1.2.17 CentOS version: 6.2 Apache version: 2.2.15 PHP version: 5.3.3 MySQL version: 5.1.73 ======================================= ————————————– Disable SELinux and configure iptables accordingly. to disable SELinux open file # vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux change the enforcing status to disables, as below: SELINUX=disabled save and quit

Urdu CBT Linux System Administration Samba 1/7

Explained in Urdu, This CBT shows how to setup SAMBA server for file sharing. Author: Muhammad Kamran Azeem Coutesy:

RapidSMS – Configure your own SMS Gateway on Linux

RapidSMS is a free and open-source framework for rapidly building mobile services for scale. RapidSMS is built with Python and Django and is designed for building robust, highly customized mobile services with web-based dashboards. RapidSMS provides a flexible platform and modular components for large-scale data collection, managing complex workflows, and automating data analysis. For more details: Installation: First…
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Urdu CBT Linux System Administration qmail – 2/7

It explains how you can configure qmail SMTP server (written by Dan Bernstein), with all the bells and whistles, using steps outlined by the creator of website (now de-functional). The qmailrocks guide was somewhat in-sufficient in explaining how qmail actually works. It just spoon-feeds you the steps to do (copy/paste). I was learning qmail…
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Urdu CBT Linux System Administration qmail 1/7

It explains how you can configure qmail SMTP server (written by Dan Bernstein), with all the bells and whistles, using steps outlined by the creator of website (now de-functional). The qmailrocks guide was somewhat in-sufficient in explaining how qmail actually works. It just spoon-feeds you the steps to do (copy/paste). I was learning qmail…
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English CBT Virtualization XEN 13 LVM SnapShots and KPartX

Explained in English, this CBT discusses LVM snap-shots, and also shows how to use Linux KPartX command. Author: Muhammad Kamran Azeem Courtesy:

English CBT Virtualization XEN – 01 Introduction

Explained in English, this CBT explains what Virtualization is, what is it’s history, what are the products in the market, and how it can play it’s role in our IT infrastructure. Author: Muhammad Kamran Azeem Courtesy:

Urdu CBT Linux System Administration 005 BIND DNS 6/6

This CBT shows how to configure BIND domain name server (DNS) on CENTOS through CLI. Valid for Fedora, RHEL, CENTOS, and any other distribution derived from these. Author: Muhammad Kamran Azeem Courtesy:

Urdu CBT-Linux System Administration-005-BIND DNS – 1/6

This CBT shows how to configure BIND domain name server (DNS) on CENTOS through CLI. Valid for Fedora, RHEL, CENTOS, and any other distribution derived from these. Author: Muhammad Kamran Azeem Courtesy: