Category: Email

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Urdu CBT Linux System Administration qmail 5/7

This is an old/dated CBT (created in 2006). It explains how you can configure qmail SMTP server (written by Dan Bernstein), with all the bells and whistles, using steps outlined by the creator of website (now de-functional). The qmailrocks guide was somewhat in-sufficient in explaining how qmail actually works. It just spoon-feeds you the…
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Urdu CBT Linux System Administration qmail 4/7

This is an old/dated CBT (created in 2006). It explains how you can configure qmail SMTP server (written by Dan Bernstein), with all the bells and whistles, using steps outlined by the creator of website (now de-functional). The qmailrocks guide was somewhat in-sufficient in explaining how qmail actually works. It just spoon-feeds you the…
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Urdu CBT Linux System Administration qmail – 2/7

It explains how you can configure qmail SMTP server (written by Dan Bernstein), with all the bells and whistles, using steps outlined by the creator of website (now de-functional). The qmailrocks guide was somewhat in-sufficient in explaining how qmail actually works. It just spoon-feeds you the steps to do (copy/paste). I was learning qmail…
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Urdu CBT Linux System Administration qmail 1/7

It explains how you can configure qmail SMTP server (written by Dan Bernstein), with all the bells and whistles, using steps outlined by the creator of website (now de-functional). The qmailrocks guide was somewhat in-sufficient in explaining how qmail actually works. It just spoon-feeds you the steps to do (copy/paste). I was learning qmail…
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Postfix Mail Delivery SMTP Troubleshooting

To avoid delay in emails, specially for gmail. Just find which MX is working by issuing below commands: # dig mx # telnet mx-IP/name 25 upon success, just see the name of first mx tried from /var/log/maillog and add an entry in /etc/hosts file. In my case, the entry is given below: # vim…
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