Category: Open Source NEWS

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How CERN Is Using Linux and Open Source —

CERN relies on open source technology to handle huge amounts of data generated by the Large Hadron Collider. The ATLAS (shown here) is a general-purpose detector that probes for fundamental particles. (Image courtesy: CERN) Used with permission CERN

Urdu CBT-Linux System Administration-005-BIND DNS-2/6

This CBT shows how to configure BIND domain name server (DNS) on CENTOS through CLI. Valid for Fedora, RHEL, CENTOS, and any other distribution derived from these. Author: Muhammad Kamran Azeem Courtesy:

Facebook is a big Advocate of Open Source Technologies, actively contributing source code to Open Source community

Facebook is a big advocate of Open Source Technologies,  always contribute to source code to Open Source Community from its big projects.