How to create email Account in webmin

Webmin is a free and opensource software, mainly used by Webmasters to manage the server.
Hardware/software Used:Server: CentOS Webserver
Software: Webmin
Issue : Creating Email Accounts
Software: Webmin
Issue : Creating Email Accounts
Note: How to Access Webmin:
To access webmin go to : http://yourip:10000 (https in case of new webmin installations.. its quiet weird lolz )
Process #1
Create a Unix user:
Webmin: >System > Users and Groups
– Click on “Create a new user”
a)Now you have a Create User form
– fill in the appropriate information.
a)Username- an alphabetic LOWERCASE name that you create
It must not repeat any previously created
It does not have to be the email user name. That will be
assigned late to refer to this Username
b)Realname- This will be used only by you to recognize Username
c) Shell- If you want to give no shell access to mail user you can change the option.
d) UserID- automatically created. Don’t change
e)Home directory- usually use /home/username
f)Normal Password select- write your password. it will be encoded on exit
– Click on Create
Create a Unix user:
Webmin: >System > Users and Groups
– Click on “Create a new user”
a)Now you have a Create User form
– fill in the appropriate information.
a)Username- an alphabetic LOWERCASE name that you create
It must not repeat any previously created
It does not have to be the email user name. That will be
assigned late to refer to this Username
b)Realname- This will be used only by you to recognize Username
c) Shell- If you want to give no shell access to mail user you can change the option.
d) UserID- automatically created. Don’t change
e)Home directory- usually use /home/username
f)Normal Password select- write your password. it will be encoded on exit
– Click on Create
Once you’ve done this . Its time to create a Email user
Adding user to mail :
Webmin: Servers > Sendmail Configuration -> Address Mapping (virtuser)
– Fill the following fields:
Mail for Address [email protected]
Send to Address username
– Click CreateStop and Start Sendmail.
Webmin: Servers > Sendmail Configuration -> Address Mapping (virtuser)
– Fill the following fields:
Mail for Address [email protected]
Send to Address username
– Click CreateStop and Start Sendmail.
voila we are all set to go