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High Availability Squid Web Cache Cluster with DRBD Heartbeat by Babar Zahoor

High Availability Linux Cluster Setup using  DRBD  and Heart Beat on CentOS 5.x 6.x /RHEL 5.x 6.X/ Fedora #### This How To belongs to My video on High Availability Squid Cache using DRBD and HeartBeat #### OS CentOS 5.3 on both machines. We will setup for Transparent squid on High Availability Cluster. Packages are available…
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High Availability Linux Cluster for SQUID Proxy using DRBD and HeartBeat on CentOS /RHEL / Fedora by Babar Zahoor

High Availability Linux Cluster Setup using DRBD and Heart Beat on CentOS 5.x 6.x /RHEL 5.x 6.X/ Fedora #### This How To belongs to My video on High Availability Squid Cache using DRBD and HeartBeat #### OS CentOS 5.3 on both machines.redhat-logo1 We will setup for Transparent squid on High Availability Cluster. Packages are available…
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How to implement ACL (Access control list) in CentOS / RHEL /Fedora by Babar Zahoor

ACL  is Access Control List Linux operating system supports ACL option &  if we want to implement ACL option we have to specify in witch partition we want to implement ACL  i.e. We want to implement ACL in this partition. First of all open fstab file “Be careful this is file system table file” root@localhost# vim…
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Files and Directory Permissions in Linux /*Nix / Unix Operating Systems

  In Unix / Linux / *Nix Operating Systems we have three types of permissions read = r write = w execute = x we can change permissions for three categories owner = u group = g others = o if we run ls -l we see -rw——- 1 root root 1648 Mar 13 13:47 anaconda-ks.cfg…
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